
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Get a male child with the blessing of the blessed name of our Holy Prophet(PBUH)

Ubqari Magazine - January 2013

Get a male child with the blessing of the blessed name of our Holy Prophet(PBUH)

(Master Muhammad AyubShahid; TonsaShareef)

It is the heartiest desire of every parent to have a male child although, a daughter is also a sign of mercy of Allah Almighty. It is narrated by HazratIbn-e-Abbas رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہٗ  that our Holy Prophet  said , if a person up brings two daughtersnicely would have his place in paradise quite close to mine.

Therefore the parents should treat all their children fairly and equally. They will get all their wishes granted by the Almighty.

The son as a blessing of Allah:

May Allah make all the sons obedient to their parents and make them a true follower of the Prophet . One of my friends, whois also a religious scholar and Mufti, fathered a daughter first. Then after some time when he was wife turned pregnant again, I asked him to make the following pledge and he would get a son. He did so but again got another daughter. He came back to me and asked me whyhe got a daughter despite the pledge that he had made. I told him that he might have delayed the pledge after the conceiving and the sex of baby might have been determined in the meantime.

Dear readers, you would be quite surprised to know that after a few years, he was blessed with twin sonsand then again another male child. He was so happy that he gifted me a goat. Then he himself toured the town and asked thechildless people for that pledge too. Some of them had as many as seven daughters but with the blessing of that pledge they finally got a male child. Some families were close to even separation because of infertility. This pledge even works for those mothers who lose their child very soon after delivering or during their pregnancy. This was the situation with one of our neighbourswho would lose their baby in the 6th -7th monthof pregnancy. When I asked them to make that pledge, they got their wishes granted. They were from the Syed family and are very happy now. All of their family members were veryexcited as they got that pleasure after a very long wait for 12 years or so. Now I tell you about the pledge. Both the partnersshould make a pledge with Allah Almighty with full devotion and sincerity that they would name their upcoming child as Muhammad. It should be a single name with no other names attached before or after that. Then upon birth, they should fulfil their promise and never try to rename the child. Another friend of mine renamed their child from Muhammad to Afnan after a few years. The result was that the child grew as an insane. May Allah protect us and bless us with the ability to guard our promises and pledges (Aameen).

The loveliness of the name Muhammad(PBUH)

Hadhrat Imam Malik رحمة الله عليه  mentioned that it was a belief of the people of Makkahat his time that if they name a child as Muhammad, it would bring prosperity and progress to the whole family and even the neighbours were not deprived of that blessing. Even in some families, this continuancewas carried on togenerations after generations. So a noble scholar from Tunisia named AinaAbulBarakaat Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad; up to 14 generations. Thispious scholar spent most of his life in MadinahtulMunawwara and when intended to return to his home country, he was blessed with the ziyarah of the Prophet  who said how he could afford to go far from him.He was so pleased at that, that he cancelled his intentions and remained in Madinah till his last breath in 742 A.H.

It is also said that even the angels descendat the home where anyone, with the name Muhammad, lives.  And he, who would name his child as Muhammad would be forgiven along with his parents without any accountability on the doomsday. It is mentioned in HayatulHayavan that HadhratIbn-e-Umar رضى الله عنه reported that our beloved Prophet  said, ‘He who has three sons and does not name any of them as Muhammad is indeed very mean and when you name him as Muhammad, then you should never abuse him nor punish him; rather treat him fairly and with affection.

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